hello, i’m from CHINA,now i use aspose.diagram (java) to implement Organization Chart in our project. now i have some troubles in use diagram. specially in draw shape with coordinate that need i to calculate x,y。 is there have any idea or path to put data in and Organization chart out?
Can you please share some more details about your requirements by sharing a sample output Diagram that is your desired one? Please also share a sample code snippet that you have tried so far along with source files. We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.
thank you for your replay.
below is our simple design for Visio output file.
visio导出的文件内容.jpg (144.2 KB)
OrgChartDiagram4Visio.java.zip (3.0 KB)
so my problem is :
- is there have any easy way to draw organization chart . (without calculate by myself
- is there have any way to connect node by parent-child. (i’ve try diagram for java api ,but not good,maybe is my problem to use it )
so .thankyou again to help us.
An investigation ticket as DIAGRAMJAVA-50726 has been logged in our issue tracking system in order to analyze your requirements and resolve the issues that you are facing. We will further look into ticket details and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
@bluestome Please provide the org_chart_demo_with_shapes.vsdx file in sample code.
Also Please try this sample code to autoLayout diagram:
LayoutOptions options = new LayoutOptions();
thank you for your sample code. and i upload org_chart_demo_with_shapes.vsdx file for your request . and very very happy you can help me . org_chart_demo_with_shapes_.vsdx.zip (24.1 KB)
Thanks for providing the requested file.
We will continue to investigate the earlier logged ticket and will share our feedback with you once it is resolved.
I have checked your provided sample code. I think there is a problem make some shapes have duplicated id, to avoid this we should check duplicted id before shape.setID() method or just use a mapping between ids. I fixed the sample code using an extra ids mapping, it works fine now. I attatch my modification and output files below, please reference it to fix your code. And please keep using our API and feel free to create a new topic in case you need further assistance.
J50726.zip (61.1 KB)