How to Locate "Empty" space on a PDF page


Is there any convenient “built in way” to locate empty space for a minimun specific size on a PDF-Documents page?

I like to place a Signature-Field (located at x/y coordinates) at the end of a Page by not covering up other existing content. I have to consider Text, Images and possibly an existing foot note…

The intended goal would be to get the coordinates to place a Signatue-Field in a desired size at the last possible position and above a foot note.

Any hints to acomplish this task?

Thanks a lot

Hi Johannes,

Thanks for your inquriy. I am afraid we do not have any feature/method to identify empty space on the page. We have logged an investigation ticket PDFNET-42168 for further investigation and rectification.

However, meanwhile you may device some custom logic for your requirements using TextAbsorber and ImagePlacementAbsorber objects, whether your target area(Rectangle) has some text or part of any image on the PDF page. We will keep you updated about above logged issue resolution progress.

Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan