How to Read docx

Hi, I am new to using Aspose. Could you please provide a sample to read checkbox, combo box, dropdown and textbox created in docx


Thanks for your inquiry. Following code example shows how to insert and read the form fields of document. Hope this helps you.

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();

// Insert a text form field for input a name.
builder.InsertTextInput("", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Enter your name here", 30);

// Insert two blank lines.

string[] items = new string[]
"-- Select your favorite footwear --",
"I prefer to be barefoot"

// Insert a combo box to select a footwear type.
builder.InsertComboBox("", items, 0);

// Insert 2 blank lines.

// Insert a check box to ensure the form filler does look after his/her footwear.
builder.InsertCheckBox("", true, 0);
builder.Writeln("My boots are always polished and nice-looking.");
builder.Document.Save(MyDir + "DocumentBuilder.CreateForm Out.doc");

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "DocumentBuilder.CreateForm Out.doc");

foreach (FormField field in doc.Range.FormFields)
    if (field.Type == FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox)
        field.Checked = true;

    if (field.Type == FieldType.FieldFormDropDown)
        field.DropDownSelectedIndex = 2;

    if (field.Type == FieldType.FieldFormTextInput)
doc.Save(MyDir + "output.docx");