How to read notes from PPTX file

I got Pptx file which has notes, I wanted to read this notes? I was able to do this in old Aspose.Slides for .NET control or even now with slide object. But it does not work as presentationEx return SlideEx object.

How can I access notes using SlideEx?

I read many articles which talk about notes but they all for slide not for slideEx.

I appreciate your quick reply

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Extracting Text from the Presentation - Aspose.Slides for .NET

Dear Vipul,

You can extract the text from slide notes inside PPTX. However, at moment you cannot add the slide notes using Aspose.Slides for .NET. Please proceed to this thread link, whereby you will find the code snippet for reading the text from slide notes in PPTX in Java. Please visit this thread link for code snippet in .NET. Please share with us, if you may feel any issue.

Thanks and Regards,

it did work thank you.