I am reading emails from our office365, using the examples in your doc:
It works but I do not get any headers in the message, where I have 4 custom headers.
If I use Microsoft own Microsoft.Graph
lib and I use code like this, I get them all:
var inboxMessages = graphClient
So here the Select("internetMessageHeaders")
option, give all the headers.
How can I do the same with your IGraphClient.FetchMessage()
Hello @FreddyRasmussen,
Thank you for writing to Aspose support forum.
Could you, please, clarify if you get an empty collection in the Headers property of the MapiMessage or there are some elements?
I do not get any when using FetchMessage, with this call:
public static MapiMessage DoFetchAsposeMapiMessage(string inItemId)
var client = DoGetAsposeGraphClient();
var asposeMapiMessage = client.FetchMessage(inItemId);
return asposeMapiMessage;
This is what I see under debug:
Headers {Aspose.Email.Mime.HeaderCollection} Aspose.Email.Mime.HeaderCollection
AllKeys {string[0]} string[]
Count 0 int
With the call to microsoft.graph I get 48 headers, including my custom ones.
If I make a call to ListMessages(), I get 6 headers, but not my custom ones:
public static MessageInfoCollection DoGetAsposeMessages()
var client = DoGetAsposeGraphClient();
return client.ListMessages(KnownFolders.Inbox);
Headers {Aspose.Email.Mime.HeaderCollection} Aspose.Email.Mime.HeaderCollection
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