How to Specify a Reading Order of Objects in Presentation Using Aspose.Slides .NET?

PowerPoint has a reading order pane that essentially changes the Tab Order (or screen reader order) of the shapes on the slides.

image.png (27.7 KB)

Note that the reading order is different from shapes’ order in the Selection Pane which is by their ZOrderPosition.

Is there a way to specify reading order in Aspose.Slides?

Thank you for contacting support. I am working on the question you posted and will get back to you soon.

I have not found features to manage the reading order of objects on slides using Aspose.Slides and added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43697 to our issue-tracking system. Our development team will consider implementing such features. You will be notified when a new release of Aspose.Slides with an update is published.

Thanks for looking into this @Andrey_Potapov

I spent some time researching this issue today. Here are my observations:

  1. It seems that Reading Order is simply the reverse order of the shapes in the Selection Pane. Reordering the items in the Reading Order pane changes the ZOrder position.

  2. Deselecting the checkbox in the Reading Order pane simply marks that Shape as Decorative. This feature is not currently supported as previously reported under SLIDESNET-43525.

Thank you for your observations. I’ve forwarded them to our developers.