How to stop lightcelldataprovider


We are using lightcelldataProvider for generating excel.

we are generating the excel at runtime and saved to blob column in database table.
after generating excel given to the downloading.

we found one issue

user clicks the excel icon for output.
lightcelldataprovider generating the excel.

user close the window in middle of generation.
in this case generation should be stopped.
but the light cell data provider still generating the file .

how to stop the light celldataprovider in above case.


Thanks for posting your problem.

Please provide a simple sample project replicating your issue with lightcellsdataprovider. It should be in runnable condition and free of database dependency. I mean, you can use some dummy hard code values.

Thanks for your cooperation in sorting out this issue.


We think you can use Workbook.interrupt() method to stop the saving process when user cancel the save operation.

Please see the sample code on this topic at