How to tell if printing was successful? It seems your missing event in SDK


use following code to print PDF:

          PdfViewer viewer = new PdfViewer();
                        PrintDocument prtdoc = new PrintDocument();
                        Aspose.Pdf.License license = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
                        license.Embedded = true;
                        viewer.PrintPageDialog = false;
                        viewer.AutoResize = false;
                        viewer.AutoRotate = false;
                        viewer.FormPresentationMode = Aspose.Pdf.Devices.FormPresentationMode.Production;
                        viewer.PrintAsImage = false;
                        viewer.Resolution = 600;

                        if (job.DocumentType == PrinterDocumentType.PDF)
                        if (job.DocumentType == PrinterDocumentType.TIFF)
                            TiffHelper helper = new TiffHelper();
                            Stream stream = helper.ConvertTIFFToPDF(job);
                        //pgs.PaperSource = ps.PaperSources[3]; Tray three.

                        System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = viewer.GetDefaultPrinterSettings();
                        PageSettings pgs = viewer.GetDefaultPageSettings();
                        ps.PrinterName = job.Printer.UNCPath;
                        //pgs.PaperSource = ps.PaperSources[3]; Tray three.
                        viewer.EndPrint += ViewerOnEndPrint;
                        viewer.PrintDocumentWithSettings(pgs, ps);

I thought end print event would tell if it was successful or not. But it has no such information.

How to tell if printing was successful or not?

The PDFViewer class offers PrintStatus property to get the status of print. Please refer to this help topic: Checking Print Job Status

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Thank you! That was the ticket!