Thanks for reply, your code is working fine. is it dose not working using our code.
Our sample code have attached. WorkOrder127.pdf (50.3 KB)
@akondewar It looks like the problem occurs when de-AT culture is set.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26584
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@akondewar We have completed analyzing the issue and concluded to close it as not a bug. The nested formula field expression has an OR function with arguments separated by comma (,). However, the de-AT culture defines semicolon (;) as a list separator, which is used by MS Word and Aspose.Words to parse function arguments.
You should modify template document (replace , with ;) to get the expected result with de-AT culture.
@akondewarSKIPIF field is intended to skip the record in the data source upon executing mail merge. In your case however, you fill SKIPIF field after filling the document with data, so there is nothing to skip at this stage. If it is required to hide a whole table, you should wrap it into the IF field.
@akondewar Could you please provide a simple template and data you use to fill it with data along with your code that will allow to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.
On your side you can debug your condition by putting { MERGEFIELD isExclude } = "8-All Line Items Received" } field outside the SKIPIF field and check what value it returns. This will allow you to understand what is wrong with your condition.
@akondewar Sure, you can use as many condition as it is required for your scenario. But OR accepts only 2 parameters and returns the value 1 (true) if either or both logical expressions x and y are true, or the value 0 (zero) (false) if both expressions are false. See FORMULA field for more information.
So to have three condition you should either use nested OR, something like this { = OR(x, OR(y,z))} or check sum of all conditions. For example: { SKIPIF { = { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD test1 } = true } + { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD test2 } = true } + { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD test2 } = true } } > 0 }
@akondewar Syntax is not quite right in the provided field code. Syntax of OR should OR(x,y) and syntax of AND is similar, i.e. AND(x,y). There is no need of = signe at the beginning of COMPARE field. So your condition should look like this:
@akondewar As I have already mentioned, SKIPIF field is intended to skip the record in the data source upon executing mail merge. In your case however, you fill SKIPIF field after filling the document with data, so there is nothing to skip at this stage, I mean the value of dataExclude field is filled after filling the table with data. You should either include the dataExclude field into your table data source or fill it before filling the table with data.
We are sending dynamic parameters, and that values not present in table records. Like dataExclude=true and Suppressclosedshort=true. But Ordsts and closedshort values are present in the table records.
@akondewar It is required to fill dataExclude and Suppressclosedshort values in the document before executing mail merge with regions. For example you can use SET field to achieve this. put the SET field outside the region, execute simple mail merge to fill it with data and then use REF field to use the value in the region. For example see the attached simple template and code.
DataTable data = new DataTable("data");
data.getRows().add("true", "This will be excluded", "Some data");
data.getRows().add("false", "This will not be excluded", "Some data");
data.getRows().add("false", "This will not be excluded", "Some another data");
Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.docx");
// Fill isExclude field
doc.getMailMerge().execute(new String[] { "isExclude" }, new String[] { "true" });
// Update update field to update REF field.
// Execute mail merge with regions.