Just wondering if there’s anything special that needs to happen for changes to the Comment date to stick. If I use:
Aspose.Words.NodeCollection comments = wordDocument.GetChildNodes(Aspose.Words.NodeType.Comment, true);
foreach (Aspose.Words.Comment comment in comments)
comment.Initial = "A";
comment.Author = "Author";
comment.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
The Initial and Author get updated, but the DateTime remains the original after saving (during debug it is changed, upon save it reverts to the original).
I note in the comments.xml the information looks correct:
<w:comment w:id="0" w:author="Author" w:date="2023-09-26T05:40:05Z" w:initials="A">
but in the commentsExtensible.xml it has the old date
<w16cex:commentExtensible w16cex:durableId="22CD74CC" w16cex:dateUtc="2020-07-30T06:33:00Z" />
Is there an extra command that needs to run to make it appear with the new DateTime?