Html content with many levels of bullet indent is only rendering the bullets as level 1

Apologies. The install was not removing the old install and it reverted my dlls to 4.1.2. The latest release does include the hotfixes, hwoever i'm still faced with the same problem.

All bullets look the same regardless of their level. they need to change type based on their level. e.g.

· Item 1

o Item 2

§ Item 3

· Item 4

Also, i'm not using a

in my code.

Hello Jonathan,

We apologize for your inconvenience, but the issue PDFNET-15424 isn't resolved yet (please see). As per our initial estimates, we hope to get these issue resolved in 7-10 days. We will keep you updated on the status of a correction.

Can you give me an updated eta on this fix? It has been more than a week since you were able to replicate the problem.



Hello Jon,

Thanks for your patience.

I am pleased to inform you that the issue PDFNET-15424 reported earlier has been resolved in the attached HotFix. I have also attached the resultant PDF that I have generated, please take a look.

In case you still face any problem or you have any further query, please feel free to contact.

Thanks for your cooperation and comprehension.

Hello Jon,

Thanks for your patience.

Adding more to my previous post, the HotFix shared earlier also contains the resolution of issue PDFNET-14596. Please try using it and in case you face any problem, please feel free to contact.

Thanks for your comprehension and cooperation.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 15424) have been fixed in this update.

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