HTML to Excel Worksheets

We have logged an issue: CELLSNET-53157 for converting internal hyperlink in the wordbook when converting .mht file to Excel format.


This is to inform you that your issue has been resolved. The fix will be included in our upcoming release Aspose.Cells for Java 23.4 scheduled in the next week. You will be notified once the new version is published.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-53157) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by johnson.shi

Hello, I hope this finds you well, checking in CELLSJAVA-44907 open issue. Any progress on this? Thank you!


We found that the css styles are not in <style> tag therefore aspose.cells can not identify them. You may please add the <style> tag outside of CSS styles.
Here is the modified file with added <style> tag for your reference: (68.5 KB)

Hello, thank you for following up. The example you just shared was not from the example file that I original provided for the ‘Redlining’ issue. I did run what you just shared, but it was not the output I expected or does not accurately portray the issue.
To bypass any confusion, I have reattached the expected output, input, and actual output, after following your instructions to have the styles within a style tag. Without the style tag the styles are found by the ‘Content-Location’ and the ‘Content-Location’ is linked to the Worksheet, the boundary "Content-Type: text/css; charset=“utf-8"” marks the content type of the style sheet and that style sheet is linked in the head of each Worksheet. So style tags are not necessary if referencing a style sheet found by “Content Location” with type “text/css”.
But I did employ html style tags following your suggestion, but still the output does not have different styles within the same cell. Here are my current examples. Thank you for reviewing!
RedliningExample2.7z (14.8 KB)


Thanks for providing us HTML file, current output and expected output Excel files. We will evaluate and get back to you soon.


We have fixed your issue (filed as CELLSJAVA-44907) now. Here is the result after fix for your (7.1 KB)

Hi , can you provide me information on the fix (if so can I see the working code solution and know the rules that allow for redlining/ different styles in a cell? Is it resolvable by code or will it be a fix in an upcoming release?


The fix for the issue (filed as CELLSJAVA-44907) will be included in our upcoming release (Aspose.Cells v23.8) that we plan to release in the first half of August 2023. You will be notified when the next version is released.

Thank you so much for confirming this! Best to your day!


You are welcome.

I also forgot to note, as I have just realized looking at resolved issues CELLSNET-52159 and CELLSNET-53157, but we are using Aspose.cells for Java not for .NET, so I wonder if those fixes also need to be for CELLSJAVA…?


The fixes are also included in Java version in parallel as we port Java version from .NET codebase. Please try latest available version of Aspose.Cells for Java (v23.7).

Let us know if you still find these issues.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-44907) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for Java 23.8.

Hello Aspose team!
We have upgraded to v23.1 of Aspose Cells, and there were so many great fixes. Thank you!
Considering images in cells, we can pass them into the export as an HTML img tag with the source as base64 but they are tricky to resize in relationship to the cell boundary. Is there something in particular that we should do for formatting images in relationship to the cell boundary and sizing of the cell? Can the cell size responsively with the image or vice versa? Any tricks or tips for images?


In MS Excel file formats (source XMLs), images are stored as separate entities and are not linked or embedded into worksheet cells directly. Therefore, you need to evaluate the size of the image and the cell’s width/height where you are going to insert it yourself.

Would you like to provide sample files and expected result files? We will check it soon.