I tested this with version 7.6.0.
If you run this function against the attached spreadsheet:
public static void TestLinks()
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@“C:\temp\spreadsheets\TestLinks.xlsx”);
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
foreach (Hyperlink hyperlink in worksheet.Hyperlinks)
Console.WriteLine(“Address={0}, Area={1}, ScreenTip={2}, TextToDisplay={3}”, hyperlink.Address, hyperlink.Area, hyperlink.ScreenTip, hyperlink.TextToDisplay);
//Cell cell = workbook.Worksheets. hyperlink.Address
it will display:
Address=http://www.google.com/, Area=Aspose.Cells.CellArea(B1:B1)[0,1,0,1], ScreenTip=Going to google, TextToDisplay=http://www.google.com/
Address=Sheet2!A1, Area=Aspose.Cells.CellArea(B2:B2)[1,1,1,1], ScreenTip=go to sheet 2, TextToDisplay=Sheet2
However, if you open Excel, right-click on B1, the Edit Hyperlink dialog shows: Text to display: Google.
Aspose should return for the first cell Google not http://www.google.com.
Could you please fix this?
Thank you
Hi Costa,
Thank you for reporting this issue.
I can confirm the incorrect behavior of Hyperlinks with your provided sample while using the latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.6.0.2. Moreover, I have also manually created a few more samples and was able to replicate the issue. I have logged an investigative ticket to look further into this matter. The ticket Id for your future reference is CELLSNET-42098.
We will soon sort this out, and we will keep you posted with updates. Please accept our apologies for your inconvenience.
I confirm this issue as being fixed.
Could you please tell me what other changes are contained in this version?
Thank you
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-42098) have been fixed in this update.
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