I don't want my simple table to be exported sa multiple table in Aspose.AWHTML format

Aspose.Words For Reporting Service Version: 3.1.1

Server : SQL Server 2005 sp2 Standard Edition
Browser : IE7+, Firefox3+, Safari4.+
Problem : I don’t want my simple table to be exported sa multiple table in Aspose.AWHTML format.
Description: What is happening from the exportetd AWHTML is; it creates a series of table in every allocated page in Word, but actually I want is to export/output this as one whole table in HTML. I exported the file using VisualStudio.
Here is what happening…

data1 for 1st page in word

data2 for 2st page in word
data3 for 3st page in word

but what i want is something like this

data1 for 1st page in word
data2 for 2st page in word
data3 for 3st page in word

Extra Settings:
I update my report server settings into something like below but still no hope. I also try, other settings, removing setting for this AWHTML but no good news still


Hope to get quick\valid\correct solutions for this. We already bought 1 Aspose.Words License license for this.

anyone… please help…


Thank you for your request. I will look into your issue shortly.


Thank you for waiting. I'm working on your issue right at the moment.

It seems like I need your data source in order to have the report exported. Could you please provide it as well?

I am very sorry that i cannot give you the data source. Our client and our team has a written contract that no information will flow outside our team, including the support forum for test data.

But anyway here is what you can do.

  1. Create a report template --> add table --> add columns for that table
  2. Make sure you have enough data that it will flow for more than 2 pages if you exported it in MSWord, (I prefer 10 pages)
  3. Run the template, using the Visual Studio 2005 (I describe my working environment in my previous post), try to export in AWHTML format

Actual : A series of table as describe in my previous post

Expected : Since you created 1 table object in ReportTemplate, the rendered HTML should be 1 table only also

NOTE: The bad thing here is, if two tables with more than 1px border are adjacent, they will look like a bold line of 2px border. Another is if the first table1-->Column1 contains longer text than the second, table1-->Column1 and table2-->Column1 will not be aligned to each other, also not same width

any update on this issue?

any update on this issue?


Sorry for delay. Please expect a reply in a few hours.

Thank you for waiting. I have spotted the issue. Indeed, there is no reason to output multiple tables, one per page, if the table is continuous and unbroken. That was unnoticeable in the DOC, DOCX etc formats because Word renders subsequent tables (those without any data between) as one whole table, but in the HTLML format it became visible. I'm going to fix this behaviour shortly. Please expect a hotfix in a few days, most probably on Monday.


I have fixed the issue. Please expect a hotfix shortly.
