I have table and paragraph in that i want to search particular key and based on that key we need to take value and copy to another document ,need to store key and value in table form

I have table and paragraph in that i want to search particular key and based on that key we need to take value and copy to another document ,need to store key and value in table form.
Please find the below attached Input document and expected output document.
Input_document.pdf (148.3 KB)
Expected output.docx (17.0 KB)

@Yuvarajshivananjappa Data in your input document is in table. So in your case you should loop through the rows in the table and check whether the first cell of the row contains the key, if so extract the value from the second cell. Pseudo code to achieve this can look like this:

// Open input document
Document doc = new Document("in.docx");

// Get the table 
Table table = doc.FirstSection.Body.Tables[0];

// Loop through the rows in the table.
foreach (Row r in table.Rows)
    // Get text of the first cell in the row.
    string firstCellText = r.FirstCell.ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim();

    // Check whether first cell contains the key
    if (/*here is the condition*/)
        // Get content of the second cell
        Cell dataCell = r.Cells[1];
        // ......

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