I'd like to be able to specify a Fonts Folder like Words for PDF rendering

Hi guys,

I’m enjoying a feature in Aspose Words that would be great in Cells too. It’s the ability to specify a directory for TrueType fonts.

Here’s what it looks like in Words:

ArrayList fontFolders = new ArrayList(FontSettings.GetFontsFolders());
// Convert the list into an array and pass it to the FontSettings class.
FontSettings.SetFontsFolders((string[])fontFolders.ToArray(typeof(string)), true);

I think as things currently stand, if the TrueType font is actually installed on my server, it will be used in PDF rendering. To simplify font deployment, it would be great if I could specify a folder.

Hope you’ll consider this for the future.

~~ Michael


Please set the fonts folder(s) by using the static CellsHelper.FontDir/FontDirs API before conversion.

Thank you.

Fantastic – thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.

~~ Michael