IDN emails and domens support

I tried the latest version and determined that aspose does not support working with IDN email addresses (Russian) and IDN hostnames. This possibility is planned in the future, or you can implement it?


Can you please specify the issue incurring on your end. Perhaps, if possible, please provide the used sample code. I have also created a ticket with ID EMAILNET-39867 as investigation to verify the support for Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) email address in API.


MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
message.From = “пользователь1@почта.рус”;
message.Body = “Test Message”;

        SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient
            Host = "smtp.почта.рус",
            Username = "пользователь1@почта.рус",
            Password = "password",
            Port = 465,
            SecurityOptions = SecurityOptions.SSLAuto

Erorr: AsposeException: ConnectFailure

For tests you can register account in russian email service http://почта.рус/ ( or try punycode adress http://почта.рус/ It has english interface.


Thank you for the information. We will update you as soon as issue will be addressed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILNET-39867) have been fixed in this update.