IFC to 3D PDF conversion


Can you tell me how to save an IFC file as a 3D PDF?

During my tests the PDF file is always in 2D

I have attached an example

Thank you Best regards

element.zip (948.5 KB)

you may try this option in CadRasterizationOptions:

ObserverPoint = new ObserverPoint(85, 15, 5)

but we have created separate issue to look at this file in more details.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CADNET-9375

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

This Option moves the view, but the rendering is fixed.

It will be optimal to have a 3D PDF to be able to turn around after conversion

However, if this is not possible, would it be possible to have a PDF with several layers (one per point of view)



We have opened the following new ticket(s) to export to 3D PDF in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CADNET-9376

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

You may try to add Is3DContent = true parameter to PdfOptions:

// Create an instance of PdfOptions
PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions
	Is3DContent = true,
	// Set the VectorRasterizationOptions property
	VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions

Best Regards

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please check if this example (already availabe for Aspose.CAD for .NET 23.9) is suitable:

using (IfcImage cadImage = (IfcImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(fileName))
      PdfOptions options = new PdfOptions();
      options.Is3DContent = true;
      cadImage.Save(outPath, options);


With the Is3DContent option, the generated PDF is in 3D.

However, I note two more points:

  • The object tree is not retrieved, I have the impression that option.Layers has no effect

    • options.Layers = cadImage.Layers.ToList().ToArray();
  • The color of the objects is not preserved, I tried to use the rasterizationOptions option as with DWGs but without success

    • DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor

I have attached a more complete file for you.

Can you watch?

Thank you Best regards
Element.zip (1.2 MB)

PDF.png (42.7 KB)

IFC.png (155.8 KB)

Thank you for the details. Unfortunately, we don’t have these features implemented. We have planned the further work in the scope of the tasks already created above.


Thanks for this feedback, do you know when these features might be available ?
We would like to implement them in our application for our customers.


We estimate the required implementation time to be several months (about 4 or 5). Please, note, that we can not guarantee the delivery time in the scope of free forum support.