Image watermark on another image

I just downloaded your trial aspose.imaging for .Net C#

I want to place an image watermark on image using Aspose.Imaging

How can I place single watermark on bottom right corner of the image 50px from right and 50 px from bottom. My watermark dimensions are 130px width and 30px height.

I need a code example with C#. Thank you

Please review following code, weather it suites your expectations :

       public void Run(string outputFolder)
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolder))

            using (var image = Image.Create(new JpegOptions { Source = new FileCreateSource(Path.Combine(this.TestDirectory, "Forum", "238083", "Watermark.jpg"), false) }, 1000, 1000))
                var layoutArea = new SizeF(130, 30);
                var padding = new SizeF(50, 50);
                PutWatermark(new Graphics(image) { TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias }, new PointF(image.Width - layoutArea.Width - padding.Width, image.Height - layoutArea.Height - padding.Height), layoutArea, "Hello world!", new Font("Tahoma", 16, FontStyle.Italic));


        private void PutWatermark(Graphics graphics, PointF anchorPoint, SizeF layoutArea, string text, Font font)
            graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
            var stringfomat = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic) { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center };
            graphics.MeasureString(text, font, layoutArea, stringfomat);
            graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.LightGray), new RectangleF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y, layoutArea.Width, layoutArea.Height));
            graphics.DrawString(text, font, new Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.SolidBrush(Color.Black), anchorPoint.X + layoutArea.Width / 2, anchorPoint.Y + layoutArea.Height / 2, stringfomat);

Expected results : Watermark.jpg (7.7 KB)

Thank you for the code.
my watermark is PNG image with transparent background (logo of the company)
how to use image watermark. Please help thank you


Please look at image overlay with transparency example below :

            using (var image = (RasterImage)Image.Create(new PngOptions { Source = new FileCreateSource("WatermarkOn.png", false), ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha }, 1000, 1000))
                using (var watermarkImage = Image.Load("Watermark.png"))
                    Graphics graphics = new Graphics(image);
                    graphics.DrawImage(watermarkImage, image.Width - watermarkImage.Width - padding.Width, image.Height - watermarkImage.Height - padding.Height, watermarkImage.Width, watermarkImage.Height);


Expected results : WatermarkOn.png (2.3 KB) using watermark image Watermark.png (759 Bytes)