Images not visible in SpreadSheet UML- where as it is available in HTML


I am using Spread Sheet Gear to populate a spread sheet with text and images, and i am using Aspose.Cells to convert to its equivalent SpreadSheetML and HTML outputs. However I do notice that images are visible in html where as it is not in excel…

I have attached the files and the code for your reference…

Also have attached the same object which is assigned to the Spread Sheet WorkBook Viewer for Windows Forms.

So we have the correct results available on:
SSG Work Book Viewer
Aspose.Cells -> HTML Output

But an issue when opening the SpreadSheetML output

Can you please let me know where i am going wrong? Please do let me know if you need any more information!!

Thanks & Regards,


Thanks for reporting this issue.

Please provide your input xls/xlsx file which you generate using the third party component i.e SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook() so that we could run your code and investigate this issue.


Have attached the Book1.xlsx FYI/A…


It is a correct behavior. I have converted your xlsx file to xml file using Ms-Excel 2010 and it also does not display image.

Please see the attached file converted by Ms-Excel 2010.