Hi there,
You treat Shapes as Images and there are some Shape properties which are not meant for IMAGES. Aspose throw some silly exceptions like NPE and ClassCastException.
Two ways to handle this at our end:
Provide us the list of all Shape properties not meant for IMAGES, so that we can use Shape.isImage() property to adjust the flow.
Handle it on your end and throw some good exceptions.
We can’t wait for your new version right now that would have fixes for it probably. You can add a ticket for that.
We want something for now. So it would be helpful to tell us the way to avoid NPE and ClassCastException and, **we need list of all Shape’s class APIs (attributes/ properties), that would throw exceptions and not meant for image?
Is there any other thing like IMAGE for which Shape.Properties will throw exceptions?**
We don’t want to catch and handle silly exceptions like NPE and ClassCastExceptions, and please provide us better way.
I also discussed with Awais that you guys should be covering things like this in your unit test cases, so that it would not create a problem when upgrading to new version of Aspose.
Any help would be appreciated.