ImportGridView documentation


Is there anywhere on the site I can get documentation on usage of the ImportGridView method. It is not populating my Excel with data from the GridView and I would like to make sure I am using the method correctly. I could not find anything under documentation.

I am using version :


We find there is an issue with Cells.ImportGridView method. It does not export data to Excel worksheet.
I have logged your issue into our internal issue tacking system with an issue id: CELLSNET-15328. We will figure it out and get back to you soon.

Also, I will soon update the documentation topic: to include ImportGridView API example for the users.

Thank you.


Please try the attached version, we have fixed the issue. Also, kindly check the document now:
We have added sub-topic Importing from GridView there.

Thank you.

No go....I am still receiving an empty worksheet.

Note: This gridview is based on TemplateField column. Is this method support when a gridview uses TemplateFields?

I've attached an example of the GridView.


Well, I am afraid, template fields are not supported while importing gridview data to the worksheet.

We have logged this, we will soon look into and get back to you.

Thank you.


Well, to update you further, we have analyzed your feature request a bit, but, I am afraid, we cannot support template fields in importing GridView data in a shorter period of time. We can support it in future though. We got a very busy schedule to implement some other important tasks on hand, so, we have no time for your desired feature now.

Thanks for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience involved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan