In Production licencing Error


We recently renewed our Aspose word licence. It’s working well in local development machine with new licence but gives The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly. error while deploying to production. Please help as these is highest priority feature in our application. When we don’t apply licence it will use evaluation version of Aspose word which is not showing error.

Please Help


Please make sure that you are referencing/using the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET i.e. 19.12 at both of your development and production environments. At your local development machine, you can first remove old references to Aspose.Words DLL, reinstall Aspose.Words 19.12 via NuGet, clean/rebuild the project and publish the files for deployment. Before deployment to server, please also consider including the License File as an Embedded Resource in your application. Hope, this helps.