Inconsistent time zone representation in pdf among different msg assets


are using aspose email when the attached msg file
is converted to PDF, inconsistent time zone representation found in the intermediate
mhtml file.

Some assets shows

+0000 some other shows -0400

Sent:27 Sep 2012 09:11:55 +0000 Sent:4 Nov 2011 09:18:35 -0400

It seems to be a regression issue if we compare it with aspose
email 2.2.0. I have attached all the files generated using aspose email 2.2.0. I have tried with 5 msg files. totally 4 mhtml/pdf files shows the -0700 time zone out of 5 documents.

Please find the attachments…

Note: CTS_2361_output.rar is generated from aspose email 3.1.0.

Thanks & Regards,
Thirumurthy R

For REEmailtransformationswithAsposestatus.msg file, sent time is represented using different time zone in aspose email 3.1 and 2.2.

Example :

In 2.2 -->

Sent:30 Apr 2012 00:09:48 -0700

in 3.1 ->

Sent:30 Apr 2012 07:09:48 +0000

Could you please let us know why this strange thing happening and also what is the expected behavior here ?

Thanks & Regards,
Thirumurthy R

Hi Thirumurthy,

Thanks for writing to Aspose.Email support team.

Aspose.Email provides the facility to configure the time zone in the output mhtml file. Could you please give a try to the following sample code which configures the timezone e.g. “Asia/Dubai” in the output mhtml file. You may get the list of time zones here.

MailMessage mailMsg = MailMessage.load(“Lowimportanceissueexample.msg”, MessageFormat.getMsg());