Incorrect styles names reflected by aspose styles


I have a doc file which shows styles as follows on the styles panel

  1. unknown,unknown-0
  2. unknown,unknown-1
  3. unknown,unknown-2

When i try to print the styles using Aspose styles using the following code -

Document doc1 = new Document(file_path);
          StyleCollection styles_test = doc1.getStyles();
  		for(Style style : styles_test) {

I get the following styles -

  1. unknown
  2. unknown_0
  3. unknown_1
  4. unknown_2

I want to know why this discrepancy is happening in this particular file? Other files behave normally but this one produces “_” in the styles when printed via aspose but correct styles get shown in the styles pane.
We have not faced this issue before. Attaching the problematic file. (3.1 KB)

@cacglo It looks like the problem occurs because the styles have the same names unknown. In your document the styles have name and alias, names are the same for the mentioned styles, but aliases are different. It looks like Aspose.Words upon loading the document makes the style names unique.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26573

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So just to provide some extra information on this -
Other files with same styles and aliases i.e. unknown,unknown-1 etc produce correct styles when printed via Aspose words.
We get unknown,unknown-1 as the style from Aspose words for those. We encountered a couple of cases where this behaviour was happening where in “-” was getting replaced with “_” and no aliases were getting printed

@cacglo The issue is currently in the queue for analysis. Once analysis is done we will be able to provide you more information. Right now, unfortunately, we do not have any information to share regarding this issue.

Hi, is there any update on this?

@cacglo We have completed analyzing the issue. For the moment, this looks like expected, but not correct behavior. MS Word actually allows styles with equal names. Moreover, it allows such styles even with completely equal properties and equal set of aliases. In Aspose.Words model, however, this is not allowed.
Unfortunately, the issue is not yet scheduled for development, so we cannot provide you any estimates right now.