Info needed regarding PDFJAVA-39316 bug (PDF to TIFF OOM)


We are using Aspose PDF for Java (version 19.10) and encounter an issue when converting a big PDF to TIFF, namely an OutOfMemoryError and therefore a crash of the JVM.

To give some context, the workflow starts with a small TIFF file (a few Mo) that is first converted to a PDF using Aspose, which yields a significantly bigger PDF (a few tens of Mo). Some other part of the application later ends up trying to convert that back to a TIFF to send to another application, yet that fails in OutOfMemory.

When checking the release notes of newer versions, I found in version 20.5 ones a bug that reads like a similar issue:


Could you please share more details regarding this bug so that we can evaluate if this is the one we are encountering ?


The issue was related to a specific file where it was only one page and 4.4 MB. The API was producing the OOM while converting it to TIFF. The fix of this issue was included in 20.5 version of the API and it was reported in 20.3v. The heap size was 4GB where the requirements were to get the conversion done within the heap size of 2GB only.

Thank you for the information. If I understand correctly this bug actually concerned the reverse operation (from TIFF to PDF) compared to the issue we face (and what its label made me think of). In which case this isn’t the same issue, thanks for sharing these details.


We apologize for the confusion.

The label of the issue was correct. We mistakenly typed PDF instead of TIFF in our previous reply which caused this confusion. We have corrected it now. However, other details are still intact.

Thanks, now that’s closer to our issue and may be worth testing. This was what I was trying to assess, so I have the details I needed regarding this bug.


Thanks for your response.

Please let us know in case you need further assistance.