Insert document at bookmark not working

I am trying to insert insertme.doc into ProductSOSTemp1.doc at bookmark ‘ScopeOfSupply’. I am not getting any errors but the document is not being inserted.
Here is my code:

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    InsertDocument(@"c:\testing\ProductSOSTemp1.doc",@"c:\testing\insertme.doc","ScopeOfSupply",@"c:\testing\newdoc.doc",@"c:\program files\cooper power systems\eagle admin install\");

public void InsertDocument(String afterNode, String doc, String bmark, String NewDoc, String sLicense)
    Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
    Node insertAfterNode;
    Aspose.Words.Document dstDoc = new Aspose.Words.Document(afterNode);
    LoadFormat format = Aspose.Words.Document.DetectFileFormat(doc);
    Aspose.Words.Document srcDoc;
    if (format == LoadFormat.Unknown)
        // If format is unknown, maybe this is HTML (issue #3955)
            srcDoc = new Aspose.Words.Document(doc, LoadFormat.Html, string.Empty);
            throw new ArgumentException("Input file format is unknown");
        srcDoc = new Aspose.Words.Document(doc);
        insertAfterNode = dstDoc.Range.Bookmarks[bmark].BookmarkStart.ParentNode;
        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid arguments - AsposeComWrapper");
    // We need to make sure that the specified node is either pargraph or table.
    if (!((insertAfterNode.NodeType == NodeType.Paragraph) ||
            (insertAfterNode.NodeType == NodeType.Table)))
        throw new ArgumentException("The destination node should be either paragraph or table.");
    // We will be inserting into the parent of the destination paragraph.
    CompositeNode dstStory = insertAfterNode.ParentNode;
    // This object will be translating styles and lists during the import.
    NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, insertAfterNode.Document,
    // Loop through all sections in the source document.
    foreach(Aspose.Words.Section srcSection in srcDoc.Sections)
        // Loop through all block level nodes (paragraphs and tables) in the body of the section.
        foreach(Node srcNode in srcSection.Body)
            // Do not insert node if it is a last empty paragarph in the section.
            Aspose.Words.Paragraph para = srcNode as Aspose.Words.Paragraph;
            if ((para != null) && para.IsEndOfSection && !para.HasChildNodes)
            // This creates a clone of the node, suitable for insertion into the destination document.
            Node newNode = importer.ImportNode(srcNode, true);
            // Insert new node after the reference node.
            dstStory.InsertAfter(newNode, insertAfterNode);
            insertAfterNode = newNode;

Thanks for your inquiry. Actually “insertme.DOC” it is not a .DOC it is HTML. If you try open/save this HTML using MS Word and then insert into the destination document the problem disappears. Please let me know in case of any issues. I will be glad to help you.
Best regards,

Furthermore, this HTML is not valid. There is an extra table without rows and cells…

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
    <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td width="70%">
                    <font face="Arial">14400V 150KVAR 2BU-22in./22in. 125BIL 60HZ</font>

Removing the extra table fixed it… Thank You!!!