Insert text at bottom of page

I'm looking for advice on how to solve the following problem. I need to be able to insert a transaction number at the bottom of each page of a document. I cannot put it in the footer, if there is one, because the business areas that generate the DOC files own the footers and put their own information there. Is there any way to draw a text of string at given offset from the bottom and left edges of each page?

I had thought inserting a textbox might work, but I don't see the functionality to do that.

Were the document a TIF, instead, this is easy to do: Draw a rectangle to overwrite any previous transaction number, and then draw the text of the new transaction number. I don't see any substitute for that functionality in Aspose.Words, so I assume I need some other approach. I would appreciate any suggestions or illustrations of how to do this.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for your inquiry.

I would suggest to achieve this to manually insert a bookmark at the end of each page and then replace the text of each of these bookmark with the desired text.

If you are looking to do this programmatically, there is no easy way to achieve this, as documents loaded in Aspose.Words are flow documents so there is no start and end of pages. However you can give the code on this thread a try which inserts a text box on every page. Currently the implementation is very slow, I have been meaning to make an improved version of this class some time shortly.
