Inserting content with quotes in Mail Merge when using InsertHtml

I have content that is being merged into a Mail Merge template. This content will sometimes contain quotes, and will also sometimes be inside an IF statement. I have fond the following solution which will replace the quotes with the { QUOTE 34 } merge field.

Node fieldNode = field.Remove();

I need to somehow use this command but at the same time replace all quotes with { QUOTE 34 } (or something along those lines)

Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. We are working over your query and will update you asap.

Hi there,

Thanks for your patience.

You can achieve your requirement by implementing IReplacingCallback interface. Please use the same approach shared at following documentation link to find text and insert the { QUOTE 34 } field. See the highlighted code snippet below.

You can use the same approach to replace “ and ” with { QUOTE 34 } in whole document. Hope this helps you.

Hope this helps you. Please let us know if you have any more queries.

private void ProcessItem(string fieldCode, Field field, object fieldValue)


if (fieldCode.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("html"))


Node fieldNode = field.Remove();


String html = fieldValue.ToString();

if (html.Contains("“"))


html = html.Replace("“", "QUOTE34").Replace("”", "QUOTE34"); ;



Regex regex = new Regex("QUOTE34", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Builder.Document.Range.Replace(regex, new FindandInsertField(), false);



public class FindandInsertField : IReplacingCallback


ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)


// This is a Run node that contains either the beginning or the complete match.

Node currentNode = e.MatchNode;

// The first (and may be the only) run can contain text before the match,

// in this case it is necessary to split the run.

if (e.MatchOffset > 0)

currentNode = SplitRun((Run)currentNode, e.MatchOffset);

// This array is used to store all nodes of the match for further highlighting.

ArrayList runs = new ArrayList();

// Find all runs that contain parts of the match string.

int remainingLength = e.Match.Value.Length;

while (

(remainingLength > 0) &&

(currentNode != null) &&

(currentNode.GetText().Length <= remainingLength))



remainingLength = remainingLength - currentNode.GetText().Length;

// Select the next Run node.

// Have to loop because there could be other nodes such as BookmarkStart etc.



currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling;


while ((currentNode != null) && (currentNode.NodeType != NodeType.Run));


// Split the last run that contains the match if there is any text left.

if ((currentNode != null) && (remainingLength > 0))


SplitRun((Run)currentNode, remainingLength);



// Create Document Buidler aond insert MergeField

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(e.MatchNode.Document as Document);

builder.MoveTo((Run)runs[runs.Count - 1]);

Field field = builder.InsertField("QUOTE 34");

builder.Write(" ");


foreach (Run run in runs)


// Signal to the replace engine to do nothing because we have already done all what we wanted.

return ReplaceAction.Skip;



/// Splits text of the specified run into two runs.

/// Inserts the new run just after the specified run.


private static Run SplitRun(Run run, int position)


Run afterRun = (Run)run.Clone(true);

afterRun.Text = run.Text.Substring(position);

run.Text = run.Text.Substring(0, position);

run.ParentNode.InsertAfter(afterRun, run);

return afterRun;

