Inserting RTF strings

I need to read/write word documents in RTF.

Read: Since you don’t support RTF extraction yet (in Java), what I’ve done is a quick two day hack using the iText library to convert all your word objects into iText objects using the RtfWriter2. That works beautifully. I can now almost translate an entire word document into an RTF one (to the exception of a few things, such as images, etc).

Write: Using the RTF sections which I extracted (read) from the word document, the user made a few changes to the content. I must take those changes and insert them back into the word document. My question is how do I insert ‘raw’ data (an RTF string) into the document? Can this be done? Or using the Java version, can I write HTML code into the document?



Export/Import of RTF is not supported yet. we are currently implementing it in our .NET version and will then port to Java a few months after. HTML export/import is also not supported in Java version yet. So no workaround is possible at the moment.

Best regards,