Internal hyperlinks in .pptx files

I’ve been struggling with this one for a while. In the non-pptx format (using Presentation as opposed to PresentationEx), I was able to figure out where hyperlinks went even when they were internal. Like so:

Link link = shape.getLink();

System.out.printf(" link - actionType: %d, jumpType: %d, internalHyperlink: %d, externalHyperlink: %s%n",

link.getActionType(), link.getJumpType(), link.getInternalHyperlink(), link.getExternalHyperlink());

System.out.printf(" - begin: %d, end: %d%n", link.getBegin(), link.getEnd());

if (link.getInternalHyperlink() != -1) {

int linkedToSlide = computeLinkedToSlideIndex(link, shape);

System.out.println(" got a linkedToSlide… " + linkedToSlide);


Now that I’m using .pptx via PresentationEx (in order to get the audio associated with Transitions), I don’t seem to be able to find out where to get this data. I found the method:


which returns a HyperlinkEx. But this object only has external link information associated with it.

How shall I find all the hyperlinks which go to another slide?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Ben,

This is not currently available. An issue with issue id 13320 has been created on our Issue Tracking System to incorporate this feature. This thread has been associated with the issue so that you can get an automated notification as soon as this feature is implemented.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-13320) have been fixed in this update.

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