Internal Links Are Lost while Saving from PPTX to HTML in C#


We have a MS PowerPoint file in PPTX format, with several slides and containing links to another slide within the same document.

While saving as HTML by Aspose.Slides, in the web page obtained the links are not clickable/functionnal anymore.

Aspose.Slides version: .NET 21.4.0

Please, find in the attached file the input/output files and the two code snippets used to convert the PPTX to HTML. Its a very simple PPTX example, with one internal link, saved to two HTML showing or not slide titles. (30.0 KB)


Welcome to our community! I reproduced the error and received the same result. I’ve logged the issue in our tracking system with ID SLIDESNET-42577. Our development team will investigate this case. I will inform you about any progress.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-42577) have been fixed in this update.