Thanks for your files and reporting the problem.
Please provide me simple running C# project without the dependency of Spreadsheet Gear. Please replicate the bug with some hardcoded values or if you want to use a data table then use it in the same way as you have provided me now i.e inside xml.
Please also use the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v6.0.0.5
Thank you for helping us in sorting out this issue.
I created a test.xml using the CODEXmlOutput.txt after removing the invalid character manually and then after loading it again inside the workbook and saving it back, I found invalid character was not generated at the end.
Also, I tested your f3d4a1dd-057d-44b3-8689-9fec05734a7a.xml
with the same code below and it was also generated fine without any illegal character.
Please see the code below and see the input and output xml files.
I have used the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v6.0.0.5
//Set the license
string licPath = @“F:\Shak-Data-R\Aspose\License\Aspose.Total.lic”;
Aspose.Cells.License lic = new Aspose.Cells.License();
//Open the SpreadsheetML and save it back to see if there is invalid character at the end
//string path = @“C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Desktop\f3d4a1dd-057d-44b3-8689-9fec05734a7a.xml”;
string path = @“C:\Documents and Settings\Home\Desktop\test.xml”;
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(path);
workbook.Save(path + “.out.xml”, SaveFormat.SpreadsheetML);