I'm evaluating your .net component aspose.cell. I need to create a bmp from a chart inside of a worksheet. In excel, the chart looks fine. when i create a bmp with ToImage().. the chart has another terribel formating as the source chart in excel. I also tried to configure the chart manually by code but i hadn't success.
Can you tell me how i can get exactly the same view as excel from a chart and convert it to a picture?
It looks strange to us that the chart's formatting disturbed when you convert the chart to image. Did the image got converted fine or not?
And Aspose.Cells can covert charts to image files but not all the chart are supported as we are working to support the maximum chart types, kindly check the supported chart list: Converting Chart to Image
Could you give us the template files one that stores your designer chart (original template) and the second one with disturbed formattings chart using Aspose.Cells. We will check and figure it out soon.
And by the way which version you are using, we did some enhancement related chart 2 image feature, kindly try the attached version.
Thank you for your Answer. I have attached a excel-file with a chart. in this case the toimage-method create a black chart with strange data and incorrect direction of the axis?
i need to transfer an chart-object to a word-file without using linked objects. is there another way to insert the chart into a word-file with exactly the same formating as it is in excel?
Thank you ver much for this bugfix. I could not download the zip-file. it is corruped when i will open it after download. can you send me the file per email?
I've checked my application with the hotfix. Unfortunatly there is still a invalid chart-formating. I have attached some printscreen and sourcecode in word-file.
Can you give me the answer why aspose.cells do not get exactly the same formatting as excel do?