Is Aspose.Pdf.Kit compiled in Debug mode?

We have quality control criteria that requires all of our DLLs to be compiled in Release mode for production. When we run our tests on Aspose.Pdf.Kit.dll it is showing as debug mode. I have tried this on version 4.2, 4.6, and 4.7. The same test passes when run on Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Network, Aspose.Pdf, and Aspose.Words.

When I view Aspose.Pdf.Kit.dll in Redgate’s .Net Reflector I see the following attribute on the manifest:

<Assembly: Debuggable((DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints Or DebuggingModes.Default))>

Is Aspose.Pdf.Kit.dll complied in Debug mode?


VB.Net test method:
Friend Function IsDebugAssembly(ByVal oAssm As Reflection.Assembly) As Boolean
For Each oAttribute As DebuggableAttribute In (From Attribute In oAssm.GetCustomAttributes(False) _
Where Attribute IsNot Nothing _
AndAlso TypeOf Attribute Is DebuggableAttribute _
Select DirectCast(Attribute, DebuggableAttribute))
If oAttribute.IsJITTrackingEnabled Then
Return True
End If

Return False
End Function

Hi Andrew,

I have asked our development team to look into your concern. You’ll be updated as some response is received from the team.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Andrew,

I would like to share with you that our assemblies are built using release mode; however, Debuggable attribute is present due to project settings. We’ll remove this attribute in our upcoming monthly release (4.8.0), which will be available at the end of this week. You’ll be able to download the latest version from this link.

I hope this helps. If you find any further questions or concerns, please do let us know.