Is it possible to add googleobject to documentbuider-to get google map in PDF?

here is my code

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Write("Project Profile");
// for google map creation in PDF
GoogleObject gd = new GoogleObject();
gd.APIKey = "ABQIAAAAM_BdUOIGr6Vs28A4DnA7IBQNDeLh1sXO3sz5a4SfWAQT5CaTjxTj-pomVoIfPcybZ5XlR1AfMjn6lg"; gd.APIVersion = "2"; gd.Width = "600px"; gd.Height = "200px"; gd.ZoomLevel = 11;
GooglePolyline PL1 = new GooglePolyline();
PL1.ID = "PL1";
PL1.ColorCode = "#3333cc";
gd.CenterPoint = new GooglePoint("CenterPoint", 27, 49.66)

How to add this gd object to the buider



I think, your question is related to Aspose.Words. But you posted on Aspose.Cells forum. So I am moving your thread to Aspose.Words forum.

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, there is no way to embed such object into he document. However, I believe, you can convert it to an image and insert it s an image into the document. You can use DocumentBuilder.InsertImage method to insert images into the document.
Best regards,

Thanks for your quick response.
InsertImage option is for static Image.I need google map image option with search location.
Is there any way to insert google map object.

Thanks for your request. No, unfortunately, there is no way to insert google map object.
Best regards,