Is it possible to Create charts in PowerPoint 2007 using Aspose

I am using an evaluation version of Aspose.Slides and Aspose.Cells. My objective is to create charts in PowerPoint 2007 using given data. I explored the Aspose library and found that it is possible to create chart in PowerPoint 2003. We first need to create an Excel chart and then read this chart using FileStream and embed it using “Slide.Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame()” in the PowerPoint 2003. However I did not find a way to create charts in PowerPoint 2007. Does Aspose Provide any way to create Charts in PowerPoint 2007 ?


By PowerPoint 2007, do you mean PPTX presentations? It is not actually possible to create Excel charts inside PPTX presentations currently, but this feature will be available in future.

Currently, you can create Excel charts in PPT format only. An example of it can be found here.

Creating Excel chart and embedding them as OLE Object inside a Presentation