Is it possible to get details of a particular part of text placeholder?


I want to fetch details like (X,Y,Height,Width,Color, etc) recursively from one text placeholder’s text which is encapsulated in “{{ }}” curly bracket.

For example in below zip there is one screenshot of a layout’s placeholder “{{ client name }} and {{dynamic field}}”. I want to store styling details separately for “{{client name}}” and a “{{dynamic field}}” variable data in array of object. I want X, width, colour of a “{{dynamic field}}” as Y will be same as placeholder’s Y position but the X position will be different.

Please let me know is this possible with aspose slide java?

Below zip contains :

  1. Screen Shot of a layout
  2. Theme file for better understanding. (61.6 KB)


I would sagest you to solve the issue as follows:

  1. You should write a simple text parser that would be able to analyze the text by your syntax rules (wrapped text in curly brackets, for example).
  2. Then you can get a position and size from Portion objects. The text color can be extracted from PortionFormat objects.

API Reference: IParagraph interface, IPortion interface.

Thanks for the reply.

I am not able to get the proper information can you please able to provide some code demonstration or code snippet for better understanding.

Thanks in advance.

The text parser has to be your own component for the text analysis. It doesn’t depend on Aspose.Slides library.
Text portion size, position, and color can be obtained as below:

// shape is IAutoShape here

// get the first paragraph, for example
IParagraph paragraph = shape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs().get_Item(0);

// get the first text portion, for example
IPortion portion = paragraph.getPortions().get_Item(0);

Rectangle2D portionRectangle = portion.getRect();
Color portionColor = portion.getPortionFormat().getEffective().getFillFormat().getSolidFillColor();


Thanks, I did that but there is a case where I am having a single paragraph and single portion now I have to get X and Width of “{{dynamic field}}” word.

Is it possible in that case?


In that case, I would suggest you the next workaround:

  1. Split the text into elements: “{{”, “dynamic field”, “}}”.
  2. Create an empty paragraph based on the paragraph that contains the text “{{dynamic field}}”.
  3. Add text elements to the new paragraph as single portions.
  4. Now you can get the position, size, and color of the portion with the text “dynamic field”.