Is there a way to copy shapes in Slides.Pptx


Is there a way to copy shapes in Slides.Pptx library: from slide to another or inside a slide (=duplicate a shape)

I think having this feature would help with the group shapes problem presented earlier.


Hi Olavi,

I regret to share that there is no method availble in Aspose.Slides presently to copy the PPTX shapes. An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-32924 has already been created in our issue tracking system to provide shape serialization support in PPTX. We will share the information with you once the feature is available.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Is there a method to copy PPTX shapes now?


Hi Tim,

I regret to share that there are no updates related to availability of the requested feature. However, I have requested our development team to share the further updates related to issue. I will share the response with you as soon as the response is shared.

Many Thanks,