IsFirstParagraph property

The IsFirstParagraph property does not work in my code, I have made a XML file as template, with one section and three tables. I set the property IsFirstParagraph ‘true’ in the first table.
I use a ‘for’ loop to cycle through my items to be displayed. I want three items on each page. So each table has data on 3 items. The next 3 items should be displayed on a next page. But data for another 3 items is displayed in a table of the same kind on the same page

<Section ID=“DetailsPage” PageMarginLeft=“42” PageMarginRight=“42”
PageMarginTop=“42” PageMarginBottom=“113” PageHeight=“842” PageWidth=“595”>

the information in each ‘tableDataInfo’ is being displayed right beneath eachother, same with the other two.
What am I doing wrong?

Dear DTZ,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

This bug has been fixed. Please download hot fix here.

I downloaded the fix, but it still doesn’t work…

I now have one table in the section, and the three previous tables nested inside that one. The IsFirstProperty of the one table is set on true, but a new one still appears on the same page, even though it does not fit…

<Section ID=“DetailsPage” PageMarginLeft=“42” PageMarginRight=“42”
PageMarginTop=“42” PageMarginBottom=“113” PageHeight=“842” PageWidth=“595”>

I fixed it, I didn’t use the table ID from the XML, but justed added a table to the section each time I wanted a new page. That worked! The XML ended up like this:

<Section ID=“DetailsPage” PageMarginLeft=“42” PageMarginRight="42"
PageMarginTop=“42” PageMarginBottom=“113” PageHeight=“842” PageWidth=“595”>