Issue opening pptx using Aspose slides


I am using aspose slides dll V4.0.1.0.
I just opened a pptx file using aspose slides and without doing any change to the pptx file, i saved it.
code snippet:
Dim oPPresent As PresentationEx = New PresentationEx(“C:\sample.pptx”)
oPPresent.Save(strOutPath, Export.SaveFormat.Pptx)
(or) oPPresent.Write(“C:\sample.pptx”)

Now when i try to open sample.pptx manually using MS Office 2007. I am getting error as

"This file may have become corrupt or damaged for the following reasons:
Third-party XML editors sometimes create files that are not compatible with Microsoft Office XML specifications.
The file has been purposely corrupted with the intent to harm your computer or your data."

Herewith i have attached the sample pptx file, the issue pptx is NFLX0048_00017209.nor.pptx.


Hi Karthik,

This issue has been fixed for the version 4.1.0 which is about to release in the next few hours. You will be able to download this version and use for this PPTX.