Issue with conditional mergefield


We are evaluating your product, and we have one issue with the IF CONDITION with mergefield.

We try to made a condition in your demo with the document name’s AlternatingRowsDemo.doc.

We try to made a condition like this after the MERGEFIELD Country :

{ IF “{ MEGERFIELD Country }”<>“USA” “yes” “no” }

But it steel doesn’t work. value are correctly replace in the word document but the evaluation is not done.

We also modifiy the by adding this call doc.updateFields();

Thanks in advance for reply.




Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. Unfortunately, Java version of Aspose.Words does not yet support evaluation of IF fields. This feature is only supported in .NET version, at the moment.
Currently we are working on synchronizing .NET and Java version of Aspose.Words. Once we finish this work all features, which are available in .NET version, will be also available in Java version of Aspose.Words. We are planning to finish this work within 4-5 weeks. We will notify you.

Best regards,


We are waiting for this feature validate our use of Aspose Word.
Do you have any delivery date ?
Thanks in advance.



Thanks for your inquiry. Currently we are still working on synchronizing .NET and Java versions of Aspose.Words. You can check progress here:
Hopefully the new version of Aspose.Words for Java will be released somewhere in March. You will be notified as soon as it is released.
Best regards,

We are happy to inform you that the first auto-ported version of Aspose.Words for Java is ready. This version supports updating fields. You can get it from here.