Issue with formatting nested and calculated fields

I am having an issue when formatting number values in nested if and formula fields with format switches in the fields. If a formula field is calculated out of two mergefields and the result is formatted with a format switch (#) the result is not formatted according to the format switch.

In our environment we use document templates for 4 languages. Every template has special formatting in the Merge-, IF- and Formulafields. User is working on machine with culture “de-CH”. The template shall be formatted in culture “en-US”. Meaning numbers should be formatted like “#,##0.00”.

I could achieve this when I would change the current thread to culture “en-US” but this is not a feasible way because at the time of merging we don’t exactly know which language the document has. Therefore I set FieldUpdateCultureSource to FieldCode but it does not work.

I also tried to set FieldOptions to UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat but it did not help either.

Last chance I handled the formatting of number values in IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging method.
Like this:

if (args.FieldValue != null && args.FieldValue is DateTime && !args.Field.GetFieldCode().Contains(@"\@"))
	args.Text = ((DateTime)args.FieldValue).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy");
else if (args.FieldValue != null && args.FieldValue is decimal && args.Field.Format != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Field.Format.NumericFormat))
	args.Text = ((decimal)args.FieldValue).ToString(args.Field.Format.NumericFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

The problem now is that a Formulafield obviously does not run through IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging method. The Formulafield looks like this:
{ = { MERGEFIELD Field1 } - { MERGEFIELD Field2 } \# "#,##0.00" }

If I got Fields directly formatted they work. { MERGEFIELD Field1 \# "#,##0,00" } this works.

I provided you a zip file with a small console application and the Word template. The merged document will be created in the same directory as the template is.

Thank you in advance

Daniel Sieber


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