Issue with HTML convertion

Dear ASPOSE team,
I am facing an issue with the html convertion.I am storing the document in Database and email it to the user as per request.The issue here is that some document is throwing error adn the email is not gone out (Document Attached).The code I am using is

Public Shared Function OutputDocDocument(ByVal docContent() As Byte, ByVal folderPath As String) As String
Dim license As Aspose.Words.License
license = New Aspose.Words.License
license.SetLicense(folderPath & "\Aspose.Total.lic")
Dim docDocument As Document
Dim strFn As String = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToFileTime())
Dim bytDoc() As Byte = docContent
Dim strPathFile As String = folderPath & "\WordDocs\" & strFn
Dim memFile As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
memFile.Write(bytDoc, 0, bytDoc.Length)
docDocument = New Document(memFile)
docDocument.SaveOptions.HtmlExportHeadersFooters = False
docDocument.Save(strPathFile & ".htm", SaveFormat.Html)
Dim stmReader As StreamReader = File.OpenText(strPathFile & ".htm")
Dim strHTMLText As String = stmReader.ReadToEnd
OutputDocDocument = strHTMLText
DeleteFile(strPathFile & ".htm")
DeleteAllFiles(folderPath & "\WordDocs\", "*.png")
memFile = Nothing
docDocument = Nothing
stmReader = Nothing
license = Nothing
End Function

The code fails when it reaches docDocument.Save(strPathFile & “.htm”, SaveFormat.Html).
Could you please check it and get back to me ASAP


Thanks for your request. I cannot reproduce the problem using the latest version of Aspose.Words (8.0.0). You can download this version from here:
Please let me know in case of any issues.
Best regards,

Dear Aspose Team,
We are using Aspose.words.dll-,Aspose.pdf.dll to convert into word and then to HTML.Currently we are not in a suitvation to buy a new version of Aspose.So,could you please test this in the older version and find a solution for this issue.This is a production breakage.Please let me know if you need any more details.
VInesh Kumar


Thanks for your request. As you may know, every Aspose license carries one-year subscription for free upgrades to new versions released during this time. So could you please check the expiration date of your license and upgrade to the newest version allowed by your license? To check an expiration date of your license open the license file using notepad. You will see the following tags:
It means that you can free upgrade to version of Aspose.Words published before 02/18/2009.
Best regards,

Dear ASpose team,
we had brough this licence long back and our subscription expired.Could you please try to replicate this issue in older version and find a solution for our issue ASAP.
Vinesh Kumar


Thank you for additional information. Have you checked the expiration date of your license? If so, please share it here. We just would like to check the issue with the latest version of Aspose.Words, which you are allowed to upgrade for free.
Best regards.

Dear Aspose Team,
The expiry date is
20080507.Could you please find a solution for our issue.
Vinesh kumar


Thank you for additional information. So you are allowed to upgrade to the version of Aspose.Words which was released before 05/07/200 for free. So you can upgrade to Aspose.Word 5.1.0, which was release 03/27/2008.
The problem does not occur with this version. I attached 5.1.0 dlls.
Best regards.