Issues with images being generated for PPT that have embedded objects/charts

There seems to be some issues with images being generated that have
embedded objects/charts

I have got a PPT with some embedded objects and charts.
When I generate Images for the Slides of this PPT.

The charts and Embedded objects don’t show up in the Image.

Following is the code I am using:

BufferedImage imge = slide.getThumbnail(new Dimension(800,600));

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(baos);

byte[] fileData = baos.toByteArray();
InputStream newis = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileData);

Dear Ritwik,

You will need Aspose.Metafiles. Please see this thread for further information.

Charts Not Appearing in Slide Thumbnails

Thank You Shakeel for your Quick Response…

Just one more question… I now have two Licences
1) Aspose.Slides
2) Aspose.MetaFiles

How to use 2 licences in code ???
Currently I am using like this :

License license = new License(); license.setLicense(SlideMergeService.class.getResourceAsStream("/Aspose.Slides.lic"));


Your code will look something similar to it.

com.aspose.slides.License licSlides = new com.aspose.slides.License();
com.aspose.metafiles.License licMetafiles = new com.aspose.metafiles.License();
