Japanese Characters dropped when saving PPT as PDF

When I save a PPT that has Japanese characters in it as a PDF, the characters appear as square blocks in the resulting PDF. I have attached a zip file that contains a sample program in C#, a PPT, and the resulting PDF.

Expected result: The Japanese character appears the same in PPT and PDF.

Actual result: The Japanese character(s) appears a square blocks in the PDF.


Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

Well, this issue regarding Japanese Characters support in PPT to PDF export has been reported as 11584 on our Issue Tracking System. This thread has been linked with this issue so that you can be updated here as soon as this issue is fixed.

Thanks and Best Regards

I’m curious on the status of this bug. Any news?

Dear Seely,

We are sorry to inform you that we are still working over this issue and trying our level best to resolve this issue ASAP. We will inform you once the issue gets resolved.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The latest Aspose update ( did not address this bug. Any news on when this issue will be addressed?

I regret to inform you that our development team has looked into the possibility of solution to your problem in detail but due to following technical reason it is not possible.

Actually, Japanese text is not exported because Microsoft provides “MS PGothic” font in TTC format which is not supported by Aspose.Slides. As a possible workaround, please install normal true type TTF fonts instead of font collection TTC.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11584) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

I would like the support team to confirm that this issue was resolved. I’ve just tried to convert PPT file into PDF using Aspose.Slide for Java 2.9.3 (which is current the latest version) and I faced this issue.

As I can see in this topic fix for this issue was certanly added into Aspose.Slide for .NET version. Is there the same fix for Java?

Thanks in advance

Kindest regards,

Hi Alexandr,

I would request you to please share the source presentation with us along with generated out put so that we may carry out the investigation on our end. Please also share the custom Japanese fonts if you have used them in your presentation. I will try to help you out further.

Moreover, if things are resolved in Aspose.Slides for .NET, they would be automatically be resolved in Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 and on wards release as Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 is going to be first auto ported version based on Aspose.Slides for .NET and due for release by end of September 2012.

Many Thanks,
Thank you for your quick response.
In attachment you can find initial PPT-file and converted PDF-file. As you can see, I use standard Arial font. Also, I use is OS Windows 7 SP1. I haven't ever install any additional fonts or font collections.
Also, in attached zip archive there would be java code I run for the conversion.

Thanks for your activity and attention,

Attachments(2): 1. japanExample.ppt. 2. japanExample.pdf. 3. AsposePPTTest.zip

Hi Alexandar,

I have worked with the presentation file shared by you and have been able to reproduce the issue. An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-33343 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. I have found this issue resolve in Aspose.Slides for .NET 6.3.0; so as stated earlier, this issue will automatically be resolved in first auto ported version of Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0. For your kind reference, I have shared the PDF generated using Aspose.Slides for .NET 6.3.0.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Thank you for the attention to the issue.

Looking forward for the fix for this problem.
