Jar dependencies


Where I can find “official” list of dependencies for each version of aspose-slides *.jar
Currently I’m interested in aspose.slides-2.8.0


Hi Leonid,

I like to share that Aspose.Slides for Java 3.0.0 and onward versions ( the latest of which is Aspose.Slides for Java 6.9.1) are no more dependent upon any JAI jar files, dom4j.jar and log4j.jar files. The online documentation has also been changed w.r.t to new API available. There Old API is no longer supported and we recommend you to please try using the new API as it has enriched functionalities and is equivalent to Aspose. Slides for .NET in terms of features as it is now developed by auto porting from Aspose.Slides for .NET.

Many Thanks,