
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Hi again,

Our management would like a more definite time estimate for having a resolution to this issue. We realize that proper software development should not be too rushed, but we need to come to terms with our own time-critical commitments. The current situation not only prevents basic results, but it leaves open questions that we would want to resolve quickly or else seek an alternative solution.

So please, give us a more definite estimate, one that you are confident of, and with which we can realistically plan.

We have passed your concern to our development team and asked for an ETA. We will update you asap.


One additional concern is support for HTML to PDF conversion. We have a simple test case, involving some straightforward CSS, which when applied to your older API, results in a null pointer exception. We are anxious to try out your newer code to assess whether the better-supported approach will be adequate for our requirements.

In reference to your HTML to PDF conversion concern, you may share your HTML/CSS with us. We can provide you resultant PDF for your verification. Moreover, can you test your code with setting Headless mode off as following to verify results at your end?

//Setting Headless Mode
System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "false");

Best Regards,


Following up on your suggestion of setting the “java.awt.headless” property to “false”, we see that nevertheless “isHeadless()” returns a value of “true”. And the HeadlessException is still thrown.

We are not prepared to supply a decisive CSS example at this time. We are working to define what is the minimal acceptable styling, and we will let you know as soon as we have a critical example.

Thanks and regards.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing the feedback.

We will be waiting for resources to be shared form your side so that we can try replicating the exception in our environment.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your feedback. We are sorry the workaround did not work for you, so you need to wait for the fix. Moreover, you may feel free to share your source documents when required.

Moreover, we have further discussed your reported issue with our development team and pleased to inform you that we have planned fix of the issue in Aspose.Pdf for Java 10.1.0. Hopefully it will be released in March 2015. However please note it is not promise but we will try our level best to fix your issue in said version. We will keep you updated about the progress.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

Best Regards,

hi Tilal,

Thank you for the update. We will be very interested to know if this defect will be resolved in the new release.

In the meantime, I enclose a sample HTML file which causes a NullPointer exception in the scenario previously described. (I changed the extension to “.txt” because your uploader would not accept a file with “.html” extension.) Please let us know your conclusions.

Thanks and regards.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing the resource file.

I have performed an initial testing over Windows platform and as per my observations, the HTML is properly being converted to PDF format. However I will be performing the conversion of Linux platform and will share my findings.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your patience.

I have again tested the scenario of converting 51.txt file to PDF format over Red Hat Enterprise Linux and I am able to reproduce HeadlessException. For the sake of correction, its been associated with earlier reported PDFNEWJAVA-34641. The development team will definitely consider this scenario during the resolution of this problem. Please be patient and wait for the resolution.


Is there any update on this issue? You indicated that there would be a new release this month, and it was in the plan to resolve this. Is this still on track?

Thanks and regards.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your patience.

Recently, we published a new release of Aspose.Pdf for Java 10.1.0 but I am afraid due to complexity of issue
PDFNEWJAVA-34641 reported earlier, the problem is not yet resolved. The team is currently working on fixing this issue and as soon as we have some definite news regarding its resolution, we will let you know.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNEWJAVA-34641) have been fixed in Aspose.Pdf for Java 10.3.0.

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Thanks Aspose Team. The fix worked superb and now able to convert html to pdf in Linux server w/o issues.

Very much appreciated for releasing this fix.

Omkumar TC

Hi Omkumar,

Thanks for your feedback. It is good to know that your issue has been fixed and now you are able to use Aspose.Pdf for Java in Headless mode.

Please keep using Aspose.Pdf for Java and feel free to ask any question or concern, we will be more than happy to extend our support.

Best Regards,