Java help space error

With my mx parameter set to 2g I get a heap error trying to get a thumbnail from the attached pptx. I’m using Slides 2.8.0.

PresentationEx pptxPresentation = new PresentationEx(in);

SlidesEx slides = pptxPresentation.getSlides();

if (slides.size() > 0) {

SlideEx slide = slides.iterator().next();


firstSlideImage = slide.getThumbnail(842, 530);


Hi Dave,

I have observed that you are trying to generate the thumbnail and misinterpreting the scaling factor inside arguments with dimension. The actual slide image is 720 x 540 and when you give scaling factor you will have the image size (720842) x (540530), which is substantially huge. This is not fine. Please follow this documentation link to have an idea of how to generate the thumbnail with custom dimensions inside PPTX. The link belongs to Aspose.Slides for .NET but it will explain the logic to you. Please look for heading, "Generating Thumbnail Image of a Slide with user defined dimensions" .

Many Thanks,