Dear aspose support team.
We are getting an OutOfMemoryError when trying to use the Image.load function with a psd file >2.4G even though memory is still available
Detail Language : Java Library Using: com.aspose:aspose-psd:23.4:jdk16 Code Implement :
val imageLoadOp = PsdLoadOptions()|
imageLoadOp.loadEffectsResource = true|
imageLoadOp.useDiskForLoadEffectsResource = true
imageLoadOp.dataRecoveryMode = 2
return Image.load(stream, imageLoadOp) as PsdImage Error :
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit
at Source) ~[aspose-psd-23.4-jdk16.jar:23.4]
at com.aspose.psd.internal.gJ.c.a(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-psd-23.4-jdk16.jar:23.4]
at Source) ~[aspose-psd-23.4-jdk16.jar:23.4]
at com.aspose.psd.Image.load(Unknown Source) ~[aspose-psd-23.4-jdk16.jar:23.4] File Psd Size : 2.5G with Dimension :690 × 10338
@Son_Nguyen we will try to create file with the same size and dimensions, I think there are no ways to get it from you.
Could you please additionaly specify version of OS you used. What’s OS. Is it 32 bit or 64? Thank you.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PSDJAVA-497
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Hello @Dmitriy.Sorokin I am using macbook pro m1 2021, I think this case is quite easy to create, you can create a psd file with 3G size and this problem will occur